Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Breyer Honored by Fordham
Fordham University has given the 2008 Fordham-Stein Ethics prize to Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer. Fordham, an ostensibly Catholic University, apparently has no problem supporting Justice Breyer who has a long history of supporting abortion and denying the facts of the US Constitution. Archbishop of New York, Cardinal Egan, has criticized Fordham's decision to no avail. A sign of the times when none of the traditional pillars of Catholic education can uphold Catholic or American values.
posted by JTC 1:57 PM
Friday, October 24, 2008
Actual Exchange Between Barack Obama & "Joe The Plumber"
I offer no commentary, just the raw footage from CNN for you to judge on its own merits.
posted by JTC 10:24 AM
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Speaking of the bailout...
Is it just me or are congressional leaders acting despicably!? The first bill would not, could not, pass on its own merits. Senators and congressman received phone calls 20:1 or higher in opposition to this blatantly anti-market, anti-liberty, socialist effort. So what do they do? They load the bill up with all kinds of extra crap designed to buy enough votes to get it passed! The will of the people be d***ed! Absolutely despicable.Labels: bailout congress senate house despicable conservative
posted by JTC 10:21 AM
The Depths of Socialism
Lately, when talking to people about Obama's campaign I've often used the phrase "The Great Abyss of Socialism". I promise, as far as I know that phrase is my own. I don't recall having read or heard of it elsewhere. Reading some news online I just saw a quote from Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C.. DeMint says the proposed economic bailout plan will "leading us into the pit of socialism." Great minds......or foolish people?Labels: socialism obama demint conservative
posted by JTC 10:17 AM