JTC's World

JTC's World

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Just found this .sig on someone's forum post:

And when they ask me why i switched to Linux
I tell em Gates is a crook and planned parenthood is eugenics....

posted by JTC 2:13 PM

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

..and another on the Jesse Tree Song

Another kind reader, Sheila, has solved the mystery more or less:

Words and Music by Jack Miffleton copyright 1971.

Standing with my brother
Standing with my sister,
Standing by the Jesse tree.

Waiting with my brother
Waiting with my sister,
Waiting by the Jesse tree.

Why are you waiting boys?
Why are you waiting girls?
Who are you waiting for?

Stand up and sing!
Here comes the King!
Here comes the Lord of Lords!
That’s who we’re waiting for!

2. Little boys will bring
Lambs to the spring
Little girls will bring
calves there too.

The Wolf will live in
Peace with the lamb.
The cows and bears
Will make friends.

They will not fight.
They will not bite!
They know he’s coming

Jack Miffleton has a website, http://home.earthlink.net/~jhmiff/

It's not clear to me if the song is still being published but I'm sure a quick email to Mr. Miffleton would answer the question for anyone interested.
Merry Christmas!
posted by JTC 6:46 PM

An old friend sent me this video link. It's amazing how so much and so little has changed. The issues are all the same they have only become that much worse. "The problem with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant. It's that they know so much that isn't so."

Ronald Reagan - 1964 Republican Convention

posted by JTC 3:46 PM

Friday, December 26, 2008

2008 Kresse Christmas Party North

2008 Kresse Christmas - North
posted by JTC 7:35 PM

Monday, December 15, 2008

more Jesse Tree..

ok, not much more really. But, the aforementioned kind reader, Ian, emailed to say that though he now resides in Massachusetts, he in fact lived in Maryland when he learned the song. So really, it appears to have covered the mid-atlantic and is now trying to make it's way into New England. A lost gem of Catholic folk culture to be sure.
posted by JTC 4:09 PM

Monday, December 08, 2008

Jesse Tree update

Well I got an email from a kind reader the other day revealing that this song was known as far away as Massachusetts. So, conferring with Eileen we are not absolutely sure now that Norm Wahl actually wrote it. Though Eileen is fairly confident that she saw his name associated with it somehow. Perhaps on a program or something. So the plot thickens. If I could sing or play anything worth a darn I'd record and post it here but that's a punishment I probably shouldn't inflict on the world.
posted by JTC 1:35 PM

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