JTC's World

JTC's World

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Because It's True

The problem this discussion of truth raises is the consequence. We don't want to acknowledge truth because it demands something of us. If we ask the hard questions we might be led to harder answers.

My questions went something like this:
Is there a God?
Did he reveal himself to Abraham, to Moses, through the prophets of old?
Did he promise to send a Messiah?
Was Jesus that Messiah?
Was Jesus God?
Did Jesus leave behind authority to teach? Did he found a church?
Is the Catholic church that church? Does it posess that authority?
Does the history of the world support that conclusion? (I believed that even when I was away from the church)

If you come to believe that each of these questions has Yes for it's answer then you have a tough decision to make. Because if all of this is true then the Catholic church today is the same church that Jesus preached to. It's authority is the same authority given to St. Peter and the Apostles. In fact it is the same authority that Moses had when he proclaimed the first covenant. It is the authority of God's truth on earth througout all time. If all of this is true, do you question that authority? or, do you submit to it? Most of us don't want to give up the remote to the TV let alone surrender to Jesus.
Jesus said to him, "If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me." When the young man heard this he went away sorrowful; for he had great possessions. Mt 19:21-22 RSV

posted by JTC 7:08 PM

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Praise God! We have a Sheperd
From the Diocese of Buffalo website:

Pope John Paul II has named Bishop Edward U. Kmiec as the 13th bishop of Buffalo.
A priest for 42 years, Bishop Kmiec has been Bishop of Nashville, Tennessee, since December 1992. He will replace Archbishop Henry J. Mansell who was installed last December as the Archbishop of Hartford.

Upon learning of his appointment, Bishop Kmiec said, "I am very grateful to the Holy Father for the confidence and trust shown by virtue of His Holiness choosing me to serve as shepherd of the Diocese of Buffalo. With hope and trust in God, I look forward to serving this faith community and sharing with them the Apostolic work of building God's kingdom in this vineyard of the Church."

A native of Trenton, New Jersey, Bishop Kmiec, 68, arrived in Buffalo Wednesday afternoon. He will meet with many of the priests, men and women religious and laity of the Diocese of Buffalo Thursday and Friday.

Bishop Kmiec was born in Trenton, New Jersey (June 4, 1936), the fifth of five children born to Thecla Czupta Kmiec and John Kmiec. His parents immigrated to the United States from Poland before the start of World War I. All of the Kmiec children, the bishop's sister Helen and brothers Joseph, John and Henry, were born in the United States.

He attended St. Hedwig's parochial school and Trenton Catholic Boys High School, both in Trenton, St. Charles' College in Catonsville, Maryland, and St. Mary's Seminary in Baltimore where he received his B.A. degree in 1958. Bishop Kmiec received a degree in theological studies from the Gregorian University in Rome.

May God grant him Grace to be a strong, faithful, loving leader and teacher for us.
posted by JTC 4:59 PM

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Audio Engineers beware....USATODAY.com - Airport scare, evacuation caused by microphone
posted by JTC 6:44 PM

Sunday, August 01, 2004

I've been thinking of writing an essay to pose the question "Why are you Catholic?". This article: Newspeaking the Word of God gives some answers that I might give myself.

posted by JTC 11:56 AM

Check out this article:Live and Let Live? Once again I am reminded that it is not only possible to be a patriotic american and a devout christian; but the two are wholly compatible.

posted by JTC 11:45 AM

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