Thursday, November 25, 2010
Boycott Christmas?
Ok, not really, but would you consider boycotting Christmas for the next four weeks? For weeks now, if not longer, the stores have been pushing Christmas. A major retail outlet in my neighborhood was putting out their Christmas wares at the same time as the Halloween candy, back in September. But the truth is: Christmas is not here yet! Christmas does not begin until 12:00am, December 25th. In fact, this coming Sunday begins the season of Advent. A time to prepare for Christmas. Not by doing the shopping, or decorating the house. But, by examing our lives. Considering the difference between our wants and our needs. AND, waiting in joyful hope for Jesus' coming. The Church knows that Christmas is too big for one day. That's why she gives us from Christmas Day to the Feast of the Epiphany to celebrate. But she also gives us this time to prepare for the best house guest ever.
So, I'm boycotting Christmas until Christmas Eve. I'll avoid the carols and the stores as much as possible until then. Even if Christmas is more cultural tradition for you than Holy Day, do you really want your celebration to be dictated by corporations trying to sell you stuff? Or, would you rather it be a time that connects you to something bigger, something ancient that your ancestors have shared across the generations?
posted by JTC 12:50 PM