Friday, April 25, 2008
Catholic New Media Celebration!
posted by JTC 1:35 PM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Unbearably funny!
posted by JTC 11:48 PM
Many, many, many years ago(at least five or six:-) the early days of highly personalized, rapidly deployed web content.....before podcasts and youtube, there was the web log or blog. Among those who became known or rediscovered through their blog was Will Wheaton of the now legendary (and historical) Wil Wheaton dot net. I decided to surf over to see if Mr. Wil was still there. Turns out that Wil Wheaton dot net is archival now but Wil can still be found blogging away at WWdn: In Exile. Like most geeks of the eighty's I was a Star Trek TNG fan. I even had a girlfriend who felt I bore such a strong resemblance to Gordie LaChance that she took to calling me Wil. So it's good to know that he's still at it online. Though mildly annoying to see yet one more soul from my generation so much more productive than I am!
posted by JTC 11:26 PM
Saturday, April 12, 2008
I have sort of love/hate thing goin' with my home state. This falls into the love half..
posted by JTC 12:39 AM
Friday, April 11, 2008
Love those geeky seminarians!
posted by JTC 2:28 PM
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Darwin's Kool-Aid
posted by JTC 2:55 PM