JTC's World

JTC's World

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thanksgiving Day

I left the convenience store today to the sound of the cashier saying: "Have a great holiday". Now at Christmas time that's become a big pet peeve for me, and others. But, today it just sounded odd. I started thinking...holiday...holiday...holy day. A weird coincidence on this day which is both our least and most religious holiday. This holiday which is as uniquely American as the fourth of July has it's roots in the deep conviction of our New England ancestors. Yet it's completely secular in its establishment, declared by presidents as a sort of national moral booster. But, though it is neither Christian or Jewish, Muslim or Hindu in its celebration, it is perhaps the most spiritual of our national celebrations. As Americans of all stripes offer thanks today; they, perhaps inadvertently, acknowledge that someone or something deserves our thanks. Tomorrow the retailers begin their assault on the season that many of us should celebrate as being among the holiest. But they haven't captured Thanskgiving. They can't make enough money selling paper turkeys and pilgrim hats so they've left this day alone. Today we, as a people, acclaim our gratitude and no one protests. How remarkable is that!
posted by JTC 2:50 PM

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Feeling Silly!?
Try this:
posted by JTC 2:53 PM

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