Thursday, February 27, 2003
This the email from Eileen:
I saw Fred Rogers in a tv interview once.... The show was in California, and before the interview, he'd gone walking on the beach. When he got to the set and came on to do his interview, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a dingy little shell and placed it on the desk of his host. He talked as he moved, taking a little water from his glass and rubbing it on the shell. The shell had been plain and grey, but when wet, the translucence shone out - you could distinguish the colors even over a television transmission. He said he just wanted to remind people that "Tears and sweat often bring out the best in us".
Thanks, Fred. You'll be missed - but you've left us a lot to think about.
posted by JTC 10:30 AM
Mr. Rogers
Just received an email from my sister saying that Fred Rogers has passed away. May God bless and keep him, his family, and all of us who learned from him along the way.
posted by JTC 10:28 AM
Visited today with a group of cloistered Carmelite Sisters in New Caney, Texas. It was a special day and experience. Having had the chance to meet more than a few religious of various stripes on this trip I am forming a very strong opinion about the lay vocation. These sisters today especially left an impression on me. The eldest-called "mother" to reflect the respect the others have for her-gave us a blessing she learned many years ago from her mother. She gave the blessing in spanish while the Prioress translated. Later the sisters gave us booklets with many of the prayers that mother has passed on. The blessing went as follows:May the Lord deliver you from all evil
by the rose in which he became flesh,
by the consecrated Host
and by the Cross on which he died.
Holy Cross, worthy Cross,
through the Lord who died on you
may no evil come to you.
As we were leaving we shook hands with the sisters through the decorative iron grate which separated us from them. One of the sisters, having heard earlier about my recent return to the church, said to me: "You are very young, be sure to give it all that you have".
I see the great calling these sisters have to serve God in their special way and I am more convinced than ever that we (and I) all have a call. I feel no real draw towards the priesthood or religious life. I am as certain as ever that God has a wife and family planned for my future. But I am also certain that we lay people; bartenders, plumbers, lawyers, doctors, engineers, and politicians are all called to live just as radical a life for God as those cloistered sisters. On the assembly line and in the office we have to stand for the Lord. We have to show the face of Jesus to everyone we meet, and see his face in everyone we meet as well. We have to submit to the authority of the church in our lives, and pray for our Bishops and Priests.
It is said that we must die to ourselves....
I'm just beginning to see what that means.
posted by JTC 1:43 AM
Friday, February 21, 2003
Fire in a Rhode Island Night Club killed many people last night. Because it happened at a concert, and was possibly related to the production itself, it feels close to home to me. Those of us who are involved with public events have a grave responsibility to look after the safety of our patrons. Pray for the victims and for all people in public gatherings.
posted by JTC 3:06 PM
Tuesday, February 18, 2003
Well I'm at Little Portion Hermitage in Arkansas where we have a day off. Tomorrow we head to Houston with a stop over in the Dallas area. The weather up in the Missouri and Kansas areas where we were in the past few days was cold and generally nasty. Coming south towards Arkansas yesterday we watched the temperature climb slowly and the skies clear. As I understand it I'm better off here than back in the Philly area where there is at least 18" of snow.
posted by JTC 3:01 PM
Friday, February 14, 2003
Several days with limited net access so I'm behind here and all those little insights and pearls of wisdom (you can stop gagging now) have begun to slip away from me.
Flew down to Arkansas Tuesday. Took a cab and two trains to get to the airport after waking up at 4am with the startling revelation that I wouldn't be able to wear my work shoes onto the plane as they have steel toes and I didn't think I could make it through security without hassle. This necessitated a repack. But otherwise an uneventful trip. St. Louis to Arkansas saw me in my first prop driven plane. I could have lived without that experience. Particularly the hotshot pilot who decided not to start the second engine until well along the taxiway, giving the whole plane load of passengers minor heart palpitations.
Stepped out of my room at the monastery Tuesday night and realized that I've been living near a big bright smog ridden city for too long. I almost forgot what a sky full of stars looks like.
Wednesday saw us at St. Francis Church in St. Paul, Kansas. The church, and St. Anne's B&B where we stayed, were originally part of a Jesuit mission that was built to serve the Osage indians.
Right now we're at Conception Abbey, the concert ended about an hour ago and we're staying in the guest quarters. Today has been kind of different. Last June a man entered the church here, made his way down the hall past the sacristy into the monastery where he shot and killed two monks and wounded two others. He then went back into the church and killed himself. We're here because John Michael (the artist I'm with) wanted to do something to show his sympathy for the brothers. They walked us through the monastery and showed us where their friends died. We saw scars from bullet ricochets. John Michael's concerts are usually prayerful experiences, but tonight was especially solemn and Holy.
Tomorrow it's a quick trip up to the Kansas City area for a concert Saturday.
posted by JTC 1:03 AM
Monday, February 10, 2003
Here I go....
I fly out first thing in the morning for three weeks with John Michael Talbot. For those of you who care about such things; I've bought a new mic preamp and parametric eq I'll be trying out this trip. This trip is a bit more ministry oriented than the normal tour. We're in Missouri and Kansas for the first week (four shows) then back to Little Portion in Arkansas for two days. Then off to Houston for "Itinerant Ministry". basically a series of concerts and outreach at various parishes in one area instead of going from city to city. Since we're traveling less this time there's no tour bus and fewer hotels.
Wish me luck all.
posted by JTC 8:37 PM
Sunday, February 09, 2003
Dumbest quote of the week award:
Eleanor Clift on The McLaughlin Group-"Our romance with space can no longer be afforded."
I'm sure Ms. Clift is concerned that we be able to afford the millions of things the Feds do that are no where near within their constitutional perogative.
Here's an article about the the sacrament of Holy Orders as regards women. It describes the sacramental point of view much better than I've heard before (or could do myself).
posted by JTC 1:56 PM
Thursday, February 06, 2003
Today's favorite song: The Casinos-Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye
Today's item I didn't even imagine existed. These animals are gorgeous. If I had a house and a lived a more adult life I'd go get one tomorrow.
Lastly, Happy Birthday to President Reagan. May God Bless and keep him. Visit the historic Reagan Ranch here.
posted by JTC 9:49 PM
Wednesday, February 05, 2003
So let's say I kill a man. Maybe I don't like his haircut. Maybe he cut me off on the road or looked at my wife a bit too long. Maybe he's gay or jewish or black or hindu or catholic. Maybe he's a cop. Maybe he's a crack dealer. In any event I do it with malice of forethought with full knowledge and awareness of my actions. Am I any more or less guilty of murder in any of these cases? Why do we require legislation to define any of these instances as separate (more significant) than the others?
posted by JTC 10:57 PM
Happiness is......
A puppy dog with a sock in his mouth :-)
posted by JTC 9:50 PM
Tuesday, February 04, 2003
BTW: Since I've already admonished her privately I'll do the same publicly....It's all my sister's fault . I wouldn't even know what a "Blog" is if she hadn't told me about Wil Wheaton's.
posted by JTC 10:49 PM
Around the office we're always talking about the astounding pace at which technology has advanced in our lifetimes. From the audio gear we use at work to the PCs we all have it seems that we're at the very steep segment of an exponential curve. I just saw an episode of NOVA about the recent competition between Boeing and Lockheed Martin to build the Joint Strike Fighter for the US military. The technology in these things, the level of sophistication, is just astounding to me. Of course the cost is astounding too!
posted by JTC 10:47 PM
Monday, February 03, 2003
Check out this AP article about Clear Channel communications and consolidation in the radio market. Clear channel has been under fire in our area because of their lock on the concert promoting market. It's a tough issue for me. As a conservative I am opposed to solving problems with regualtion. But it's hard not look at what Clear Channel is doing and see some of it as unfair. It may not be illegal or even unethical, but it may very well be immoral.
posted by JTC 12:20 PM
Sunday, February 02, 2003
Check out this link to an article about health care from the Acton Institute. I was actually more interested in the brief mention of the Principle of Subsidiarity. I always forget the technical name for this idea, but I think it is this principle that makes being Catholic compatible with being a Constitutional Conservative in America.
posted by JTC 3:42 PM
February 1, 2003
Warrington, Pennsylvania
Dear friends,
By now you have all heard about the tragic loss of STS-107, Space Shuttle Columbia. Perhaps you heard the news quickly or, as I did, some time later. I have been reflecting on the almost certain loss of the seven crew members aboard. It strikes me that they, along with those before them, represent the best of American (and human) spirit and character. These men and women put all that they have on the line for our nation and the whole world. In their commitment and their achievement we see glimmers of the very potential of our creation. Their loss will be keenly felt in this world and should inspire us all not to take the promise of our existence, of our gifts and talents, for granted.
I hope that you will all, in your own way and time, take at least a moment to pray for the crew of Columbia and for their families. May God bless and keep each of them, and each of us.
The crew of STS-107:
Colonel Rick Douglas Husband USAF, NASA Astronaut
Born July 12, 1957, in Amarillo, Texas. Married. Two children.
Commander William C. McCool USN, NASA Astronaut
Born September 23, 1961 in San Diego, California. Married.
Mission Specialist
Dr. Kalpana Chawla Ph.D., NASA Astronaut
Born in Karnal, India.
Mission Specialist
Captain David M. Brown USN, NASA Astronaut
Born April 16, 1956 in Arlington, Virginia. Single.
Mission Specialist
Lt. Colonel Michael P. Anderson USAF, NASA Astronaut
Born December 25, 1959, in Plattsburgh, New York. Considers Spokane, Washington, to be his hometown. Married
Mission Specialist
Commander Laurel Blair Salton Clark M.D. USN, NASA Astronaut
Born in Iowa, but considers Racine, Wisconsin, to be her hometown. Married with one child.
Payload Specialist
Colonel Ilan Ramon IAF
Born June 20,1954 in Tel Aviv, Israel. Married to Rona. They have four children.
posted by JTC 2:53 PM
I have often complained that if I could only write down 10% of the things that run through my mind......... I shall endeavor to do so here. In the end maybe the effort will be worth it for my own sake, even if no other person ever reads it.
Warrington, Pennsylvania
February 2, 2003
posted by JTC 2:50 PM